אליוס פז

Fresh and empowering perspective

Fresh and empowering perspective

Illya Trubman

Eliyos was always for me more than just my boss or my Rakaz on Hachshara. From the very first moment we met him during our introduction week in Jerusalem in 2013, I realized that there is something special about him. Particularly, the ways he addressed issues and problems were always something I looked up to. I remember one time where during Shabbat by accident the light switch was turned off in the dining hall, leading to a situation in which we couldn’t have our Seudah because there was no light. I didn’t understand the problem and turned out to be super annoyed by the whole situation so open in the public I just switched the lights on. On Hachshara breaking Shabbat in public was a red line we must not cross. The next week Eliyos asked me for a talk to discuss what happened. Instead of reprimanding me for what I have done and telling me of for breaking the rules of the program he looked at the situation from my eyes almost explaining to me why I have done. When I told him that I didn’t understand how much I hurt the atmosphere of Shabbat that our Madrichot want to create for us, he just answered “You wanted to save the Seudah”. I went out of the talk with him with a much deeper understanding of the value of Shabbat and of all the efforts he and our Madrichot actually do to give us every week such a spiritual experience. He didn’t make me feel bad about it, he just broaden my perspective on the issue. 

Eliyos always had the ability to look at everything from a different perspective. I remember one meeting we had with representatives from the ZWST that from my point of view didn’t go really well at all. For 1.5 hours they were elaborating on their dissatisfaction with us. After we came out of the meeting, I told him “Wow, Eliyos that was such a bad meeting, I’m sorry it didn’t go the way we wanted it to go.” His response just changed my perspective entirely when he said “What do you mean it was a bad meeting? Don’t you understand that little us just had a 1.5 hours meeting with a few of the most influential people in the German Jewish community?” He was always the person bringing a completely different position to the table, expanding the understanding of a situation to everyone who was listening. 

During the time when I was working together with him, he taught me many things. To be honest, he probably taught me everything I know about my job today. One particular trait was his unmatched ability to take the mistakes I make and not only fix them for me but to make sure that I grow from this experience, never reprimanding me for my shortcomings but rather turning all my mistakes into opportunities for me to grow as a person, as a CEO, as a Jew. He had the unique ability to spot the one trait in every person he met that makes this particular person unique and valuable. And then he tunnel visioned focused on this very trait bringing out only the very best in every person he encountered. He had huge love for every Jew and especially for Jewish children in Germany, dedicating every free second in health and when he was sick to make sure that Jewish kids in Germany will be brought closer to Am Israel and Yiddishkeit. In my life I never met a person that inspired me to deepen my connection to Judaism so much and who taught me not only how to be a good CEO but how to be Mensch. When I lost Eliyos, I didn’t just loose a boss. I lost a friend, a mentor, an inspiration. 

My dear Eliyos, you cannot even imagine how much you are missed, not only by me but by many people who had the privilege to meet you. You always will survive through the work you have done for Am Israel and through your legacy that you created by being this outstanding beacon of light, hope and inspiration for many.

In eternal love and appreciation for you,

Your Illya. 

מאמרים נוספים

קראנו לך בעל החלומות

יום אחד הרב נעם ואני שלחנו אותך לכתוב תוכנית פעולה ליהדות גרמניה. אולי התכוונו להרוויח

התהוות של אהבה

באיזשהו אופן וגם אם בזמן אמת לא ידעתי לומר ידיעה ברורה, קיננה בי לא אחת


כל כולו שליח

אליעזר יוסף בן חנה ליבה, כך הזכרתי אותו בתפילותיי בחודשים האחרונים. אליוס פז, איש יקר